- Post ID : 3752019
- Poster's age : 28
- City : Phoenix
- Address : Hawaiian Isle in PHX
Goddess Maya in Phoenix til Sunday night only! Sacred Sensual Bliss! - 25
Posted : Wednesday, January 08, 2025 01:00 PM | 12 views
Experience having all your senses tingle, being loved on and adored by a sweet and sensitive dakini. I love adoring your sexual nature and seeing you for how special you are. A typical two-hour session will include: Eye gazing for Connection, breathing Exploration, instruction and movement for increased Sensation and Energy retention, touch that Relaxes muscular tensions and stuck energy, and Sensual Touch. I am an attractive, educated dakini who studies Tantra, the Tao, and Shamanism. I focus on using my sense of intuition with each guest. Every session, every person is different; and by allowing spirit to work enables me to reach each seeker in a deeper way. Sessions are intriguing, calming, and powerful. Unlock emotional blocks, helping you to recreate a healthy masculine, more conscious awareness, and a greater capacity for pleasure. I can help you find the resources within yourself to improve your sensual connections and understand the amazing energy channels lying hidden within each of us, preparing us for living a fuller, more embodied life. I am seeking tantra partners who are also on a spiritual path and are respectful of the feminine gifts... Let's blossom together. Maya 602.956.0600 9am-9pm, Sat & Sun only! http://lotustouch.weebly.com/contact-me.html "Maya has a soft, calming presence, and a loving, firm touch. She provided me with a much needed intimate, nurturing, sensual experience. Relax, you are in good care with her".
Goddess Maya is visiting from her home in the Hawaiian Islands, http://lotustouch.weebly.com/contact-me.html
Accepting initiates and devotees 10am-9pm each day
Requested offering of support: $204/hour $303 / 90 minutes $402/ 2 hours
***We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with phoenixgoddesstemple.org, as we upgrade to a site that will better serve you. Look forward to a new site with updated media and stories! Many Blessings! 480-256-9444,erotoc massage near me,9282238229,happy ending massage near mw,chinese massage center near me,480-753-3520,happy ending masages,happy endig massage,480-420-0403,erotic massage in phoenix az