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Mediation - Dispute Negotiation & Settlements (Statewide) (Statwide)

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Posted : Sunday, February 11, 2024 06:30 PM

Hire us when you have a dispute between yourself and another party and a resolution does not appear to be quickly attainable.
Our years of experience allows us to bring a wide array of skills and knowledge to mediate, arbitrate and help settle your construction related disputes, including using our alternative dispute resolution method with the use of a neutral person helping the parties find an unbiased solution to their dispute.
1970 to date (54+ years) Construction and Expert Services: • Expert Testimony, Litigation Support, General Consulting • Insurance Industry – Umpire, Appraiser, Consultant, Investigations • Cause & Origin Investigations (fire, wind, water, structural) • Construction Inspections (defects, both visual & invasive) • HOA (CC&Rs, Rules, Dispute Resolutions) / Project Management • Registrar of Contractor Issues / Dispute Resolution • Mechanic Lien Issues and Resolutions • Cost of Repair, Cost Allocation, Construction Estimating • Health, Risk, Safety & Liability Assessments (OSHA, ADA, MSHA) Call today and we will send you our CV outlining the extent of all of our experiences.
Michael L.
Keith President (602) 541-6945 .
$, & %, @ * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ! # ( ) a, a/c, abilities, ability, able, able, about, above, act, ad, add, addition, additions, advisor, afford, affordable, after, again, against, age, aged, ago, air, air, air-conditioning, airconditioning, all, almost, along, also, aluminum, always, America, American, among, an, and, and, animal, animal, animals, annex, another, answer, any, apartment, apartments, apostles, appear, appliance, appliances, arbor, Arcadia, are, area, Arizona, arm, armed, around, as, asbestos, ask, asphalt, assessment, at, authentic, auto, automotive, away, az.
, b, b, back, bacteria, bacterial, bar-b-q, barbeques, bare, barn, base, base, baseboard, based, basement, basements, bath, bathroom, bathrooms, baths, bathtub, BBQ, be, bear, bearing, beautiful, beauty, because, bed, Bee, beehive, beehives, bees, before, began, begin, behind, being, belief, believable, below, belowground, best, best, better, between, bib, bible, bibs, big, binder, bird, birdnest, birds, black, black, bless, block, blocks, blue, board, boarded, boards, boat, body, bonafide, bond, bonded, bonder, bonds, book, both, bought, box, box, boxes, boy, brick, bricks, bring, bringing, brother, brotherly, brought, brush, brushed, bubbler, bubblers, build, builder, builders, business, businesses, busy, but, by, cabinet, cabinets, call, came, camera, can, cans, car, carpenter, carpentry, carpet, carpeting, carried, carry, cars, case, casement, cases, cat, cats, caulk, caulking, caulks, cause, caused, causing, cedar, ceiling, ceilings, cement, cements, center, center, centers, central, certain, chair, chance, chances, change, changed, charitable, charitable, charity, check, checking, chemical, chemicals, child, children, chimney, choice, choose, Christ, Christian, Christmas, church, city, class, clean, cleaning, cleans, clear, client, close, closet, closets, cloth, coarse, coat, coating, coatings, coats, cognition, collapse, collapsible, collapsing, cold, coldest, color, come, command, commanded, commercial, common, companies, company, complete, completed, completing, completion, composite, conception, concrete, condition, conditioning, conditioned, condo, condominium, condominiums, condos, construct, constructed, constructing, construe, construed, construction, contain, contract, contractor, contractors, contracts, cool, cooling, cools, copper, corporate, corporation, corral, corrals, correct, corrected, correcting, could, counter, counters, countertop, country, county, course, court, courts, cover, coverage, covered, covering, covers, covers, crack, cracking, cracks, craft, craftsman, craftsman, craftsmanship, craftsmen, crazy, cried, crown, cry, crying, cultured, custom, cut, cuts, cutting, damage, damages, dark, day, decide, decided, deciding, deck, decks, decorate, decorative, decorator, deep, defect, defected, defects, deflection, deflect, defects, deliver, demo, demolition, denomination, depend, depends, dependable, dependability, depended, depending, design, designer, designs, desire, develop, development, did, differ, different, direct, direction, directly, directory, disciples, discipleship, discovery, dishwasher, do, document, documents, doer, doers, does, dog, dog, doggie, don't, done, door, doors, doorbell, downstairs, drain, draining, drainage, drains, draw, draw, drawing, drawing, drawings, draws, drive, driver, driving, dry, dry, dryer, dryrot, drywall, drywalls, dual, dumb, during, each, early, earth, ease, easier, east, easy, eat, efficiency, efficient, eight, electric, electrical, electrician, enable, enabled, enabling, end, energy, enough, enter, entering, entry, entryway, environ, environment, environmental, epoxy, estate, estates, estimate, estimate, estimates, estimating, estimator, even, evenly, ever, every, everyone, example, expansive, expand, expanded, expanding, experience, experiencing, experienced, experiences, extension, exterior, eye, fabricate, fabricated, fabricating, facing, faced, face, fact, faith, faithful, fall, falling, falls, family, fan, fans, far, farm, farmer, farming, fascia, fast, fastest, father, fatherly, farther, faucet, faucets, feel, feeling, feet, fell, fence, fenced, fencing, few, FHA, field, fielding, fielded, figure, figured, fill, filter, filters, filtration, final, find, fine, finish, finishes, finishing, fire, fires, fire-pits, fireplace, firedog, first, fish, fished, fishing, five, fix, fixated, fixed, fixing, fixable, fixture, fixtures, flat, flip, flipped, flipper, flipping, flips, floor, flooring, floors, fly, flying, foam, foamed, foaming, foams, follow, followed, followers, following, food, foot, footage, footer, footing, for, forced, force, forces, forcing, foreclose, foreclosing, foreclosed, foreclosure, foreign, forgive, forgiven, forgave, forgiveness, forgiving, form, formed, forming, found, foundation, foundations, four, fostering, foster, fostered, frame, framed, frames, framing, frank, frankly, frantic, free, freed, freeing, freely, freer, friend, friendly, from, front, full, fully, fume, fumes, fuming, furnace, furnaces, further, furthering, garage, garaged, garages, gas, gassed, gases, gate, gate, gates, gates, gave, gay, gazebo, general, general, generally, generously, get, girl, give, given, glass, go, god, godly, gold, good, got, govern, grand, granite, grate, grates, gray, great, great, greater, greatest, green, green, grill, grills, ground, group, grow, guard, gutter, gutters, guy, gypsum, had, half, halves, hand, hand, hands, handy, handy, handyman, handyman, handymen, hang, hanging, hangs, happen, hard, hardwood, has, have, he, head, heady, headily, health, healthful, healthy, hear, heard, hearing, heart, heat, heat, heater, heaters, heating, heating, heats, help, her, here, high, highly, him, his, historical, historical, history, history, hold, holder, holding, home, home, homes, honest, honestly, honey, horizontal, horse, horses, hose, hoses, hot, hotter, hottest, hour, house, how, hundred, hung, I, idea, if, illegal, illegally, important, improve, improvement, improves, in, inability, inch, incorporating, incorporation, Indian, inquisitor, inside, insides, inspection, inspections, inspector, inspectors, install, installation, installed, installer, installers, installs, insulate, insulated, insulation, insulator, insurance, insurances, insure, insuring, interest, interested, interesting, interior, interiors, interrogate, interrogating, interrogated, interrogator, into, invent, inventing, invented, investigation, investigations, investigate, investigator, investigators, investment, investments, iron, iron, irons, is, island, it, it's, its, Jesus, journeyman, judge, judgement, just, keep, kind, king, kitchen, kitchens, knew, know, knowledge, knowledgeable, kool, lady, ladies, lateral, land, landscape, landscapes, landscaping, language, large, last, lat, late, later, laugh, laughing, laundry, laundry, lead, leak, leakage, leaked, leaking, leaks, learn, learned, learning, leave, leaving, left, less, let, letter, letting, level, leveling, levels, liable, liability, license, licensed, licenses, life, light, lighter, lightest, lightly, like, line, line, lines, list, listed, listen, listening, listing, lists, little, live, lively, local, lock, lock, lockable, locker, locker, locking, Locking, locks, locks, long, longed, longer, longing, look, lot, love, lovely, loving, low, lumber, machine, machine, machinery, machinery, machines, made, made, mail, mailbox, mailboxes, mailed, mails, main, make, maker, making, man, man, manage, management, manager, many, map, maple, mapping, marble, mark, marked, married, mason, masonry, master, material, materials, me, mean, meaningful, measure, measure, measurement, measurements, measures, measuring, measuring, mechanical, mirror, member, men, men, mid, might, mile, military, mind, mine, minister, minister, ministries, ministry, minute, mirrors, miss, missed, missing, mold, molding, molds, money, moon, more, morning, most, mother, mountain, move, moved, moving, much, music, must, my, name, natural, NE, near, need, never, new, newer, next, nickel, night, nine, no, noon, north, not, notch, note, nothing, notice, notified, now, number, numbers, numeral, NW, oak, oath, object, occupation, odor, odors, of, off, officer, often, oh, old, on, on-time, once, one, only, onto, open, opened, opener, opening, oral, order, ordered, ordering, osmosis, other, our, out, outside, outsides, oven, over, own, owned, owning, page, paint, painter, painting, pane, panel, paneling, panels, panic, paper, papering, park, parked, parking, parson, pass, pass-through, passage, passing, pasture, patch, patches, patching, patio, patios, pattern, peace, pen, penetration, pens, people, pergo, perhaps, permit, permits, person, pet, pets, phone, phones, photo, photograph, photographs, photography, photos, picture, piece, pigeon, pigeons, pine, pines, pizza, place, plain, plan, plan, plane, planner, planning, plans, plans, plant, plaster, plastering, play, plumb, plumber, plumbers, plumbing, point, police, policeman, pond, ponding, ponds, pool, pool, pools, popcorn, popcorn, port, portable, pose, possible, possibly, post, post-tension, posted, posting, pound, pounded, pounding, power, powered, powering, preservation, press, pressing, pressure, price, priced, prices, pricing, pride, primary, problem, produce, product, profession, professional, propane, protect, protected, protecting, protector, pull, pulled, puller, pulling, pump, pumps, punch, pure, purifier, purifiers, put, qualification, qualifier, qualify, quality, queen, question, questions, quick, quickly, quote, quoted, quotes, quoting, rail, railing, rain, raining, rains, ran, rate, rates, rating, reach, read, reading, ready real, really, real, real-estate, realization, realize, realtor, reason, reasonable, reasonably, reasons, reconstruct, reconstructed, reconstructing, record, recorded, recorder, recreation, recreational, red, reface, refinish, refinish, refinished, refinishes, refinishing, refinishing, reflective, reliable, reliably, rely, relying, relied, remember, remembered, remembering, remodel, remodel, remodeled, remodeled, remodeler, remodelers, remodeling, remodeling, remodels, removal, remove, removing, renovate, renovation, rent, rental, rentals, repair, repairs, replace, replaced, replacement, replaces, report, reported, reporting, reports, residence, residential, rest, retain, retained, retainer, retaining, retains, retrace, retraced, retracing, reverse, reversing, reversed, reverses, right, rise, risen, risen, risk, river, road, rock, rocking, rocks, roof, roofing, roofs, room, room, room, rooms, rose, roses, rot, rots, rotten, rotting, round, rounded, rounding, rule, ruler, rules, ruling, run, running, rust, rusted, rusting, rusts, Rv, RV, said, same, sand, sand, sanding, sands, saw, say, school, schoolhouse, science, scratch, scratched, scratches, screen, screens, se, sea, seal, sealer, sealers, sealing, season, seasoned, seasons, second, second, secondary, security, see, see, seem, seen, self, sentence, separate, separator, separated, separating, separation, septic, serve, served, server, service, service, services, servicing, serving, set, seven, several, sewer, shall, shape, she, shed, sheds, shingle, shingles, shingling, ship, shipped, shipping, shop, shopper, shopping, shops, short, should, show, shower, showers, side, side, siding, siding, sign, silver, simple, sing, singing, sink, sinks, sit, site, sitting, six, size, sized, skill, skilled, sky, skylight, skylights, sleep, sling, slow, slower, slowly, small, smaller, smallest, smell, smells, smoke, snow, so, society, solar, solution, some, something, sometimes, song, soon, sound, sound, sounding, sounds, south, space, speaker, speakers, special, specialist, spell, sprinkler, sprinklers, square, stable, stables, stain, stains, stair, staircase, stairs, stall, stalls, stand, standard, standards, star, start, started, starting, state, stately, stated, stating, stay, stayed, steam, steaming, steel, steely, steep, steeper, steeply, step, still, stink, stockade, stone, stood, stop, stoppage, stopped, storm, storms, store, stored, storing, storied, story, straight, straightforward, street, strip, strips, strong, structural, structure, structures, stucco, study, stuff, stuffed, stuffing, sub, subrogation, subterranean, such, sundeck, sun, sunlight, sunshade, sun-screen, sunroom, support, supporting, sure, surface, surfaced, surfacing, sw, sworn, synthetic, system, systems, table, take, talent, talented, talk, talking, tall, tank, tanks, tar, teach, tell, ten, tenant, tenants, test, tested, testing, testimony, than, thank, that, the, their, them, then, there, thermal, thermo, thermometer, thermostat, these, they, thing, think, this, those, thought, thousand, three, threshold, thresholds, through, tile, tiles, tiling, time, to, today, together, toilet, toilets, told, too, took, top, top, top-notched, topping, tops, toward, town, travel, tree, trellis, triple, true, trust, trustworthy, truth, truthfulness, try, turbine, turbines, turn, twelve, two, under, underground, underneath, underside, unit, until, up, upgrade, upgraded, upgrading, upright, upstairs, us, USA, use, usual, usually, VA.
, valve, valves, vanities, vanity, vapor, veneer, veneered, veneering, vent, venting, vents, very, vet, veteran, vineyard, vinyl, vertical, vision, visioning, voice, wait, waiter, walk, walk, walking, wall, walling, wallpaper, wallpapering, wallpapers, walls, want, war, warm, warmer, warn, warning, warranty, was, wash, wash, washer, washing, washing, watch, water, water, watering, way, we, wear, weather, week, weigh, weight, weld, welder, welding, well, well, wells, went, were, west, what, wheel, when, where, which, while, white, who, whole, why, will, wind, window, windows, wing, with, witness, witnesses, witnessed, without, wonder, wonderful, wood, wood, woods, woodworker, word, work, work, workmanship, world, would, write, written, wrought, year, years, yes, yet, you, young, your, zone, zoning.
The following list of 120 are a selected few of the 280+ names, that represent the majority of the Incorporated and Unincorporated Cities, Towns, and Reservations located in Arizona.
Arizona City, Arizona Village, Ash Fork, Avondale, Bagdad, Black Canyon, City, Blackwater, Buckeye, Bullhead City, Camp Verde, Carefree, Casa Grande, Cave Creek, Chandler, Chino Valley, Clarkdale, Claypool, Clifton, Colorado City, Cordes Lakes, Cornville, Cottonwood, Cottonwood-Verde Village, Desert Hills, Dewey-Humboldt, Ehrenberg, El Mirage, Flagstaff, Fountain Hills, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Grand Canyon Village, Holbrook, Jerome, Kachina Village, Kaibab, Kingman, Lake Havasu City, Lake Montezuma, Litchfield Park, Mayer, Mesa, Mohave Valley, Mojave Ranch Estates, Mountainaire, Munds Park, New River, Paradise Valley, Parker, Parker Strip, Paulden, Payson, Peach Springs, Peeples Valley, Peoria, Phoenix, Pine, Pinetop-Lakeside, Prescott, Prescott Valley, Quartzsite, St.
David, St.
Johns, St.
Michaels, Salome, San Carlos, San Luis, San, Manuel, Scottsdale, Sedona, Seligman, Sells, Strawberry, Sun City, Sun City West, Sun Lakes, Sun Valley, Surprise, Tempe, Tolleson, Tonto Basin, Tuba City, Wenden, Wickenburg, Williams, Williamson, Willow Valley, Winslow, Yarnell, Young, Youngtown, End.

• Phone : (602) 541-6945

• Location : Statewide, GLENDALE,AZ

• Post ID: 9029340320

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